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Healthy Schools

Healthy School Plus Confirmation


Thank you for your recent submission of the Healthy School Plus School story which outlined your success in decreasing the number of pupils who say that they ‘never’ learn if something goes wrong and reducing the numbers who say they ‘always’ or ‘usually’ get angry if something goes wrong. The reductions made through your interventions were very impressive. 


I write formally to acknowledge that your school story was recently approved by the Healthy School Plus Quality Assurance Group.  As such this means that Talbot House School has now successfully completed its second cycle of Newcastle Healthy School Plus by demonstrating the impact of its work on broader pupil health outcomes.  The Quality Assurance Group were extremely impressed with your application and the differences that the whole school interventions undertaken made on managing emotions.


Congratulations on your success! The school is still entitled to use the Healthy School Plus logo on its stationary, promotional material and digital media channels. This is in addition to the generic Newcastle Healthy School Status logo which you also have for display.  Please find enclosed a certificate of achievement for you to print off and display in school.

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