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Referring a child for a place in our school - what you need to know

Children without an education, health and care plan

Parents and carers who know their child is struggling in their current educational placement can work together with the team in the current school setting to determine whether there is a need for an education, health and care plan assessment or EHCP.  This assessment will be instigated by the school special educational needs co-ordinator or SENDco.  All schools have one, and they are the main point of contact for all parties in moving the process forward, but if the school are not on board, you can request one yourself.  If you are concerned about your child, contact the school's SENDco to discuss further. Your child need not have a formal diagnosis for you to begin the process. The key for parents is to work with the school to make sure this happens in a timely manner.  The evidence will already be with the school, as they are expected to provide a certain element of additional support to children who need it.  The      SENDco  will be asked you and other professionals to contribute to the assessment.  In the entire process parental choice is given the highest priority, as long as the needs of the child can be met in the chosen school.  There are also processes in place if you disagree with the outcome.  More information can be found on that here, in the Good Schools Guide website.  

Children with an education, health and care plan (EHCP)

Some might say the hard part is done, but actually, finding a school which matches all of the requirements on the plan is very difficult.  Lots of local authorities have their own state maintained special schools. Some main stream schools will have an ARPs (additionally resourced provision) or ARCs (additionally resourced centre)  within or attached to the schools.  There are also organisations like us, charity organisations who exist to improve the lives of children. Talbot House is a non-maintained special school for children with complex needs. We are based in Newcastle in a village called Wallbottle, we have children attending our school from 13 different boroughs in the North East.  The LA (local authorities) special educational needs transport department can organise a  taxi to and from home to school. You can ask that your child’s plan be sent to specific schools, and you yourself can send on the paperwork to us along with any other reports you think may be relevant.  The local authority will have to approve the placement as they will have to agree to fund the placement. We can arrange visits to our school, or to the child's current school, we want to build relationships from the beginning.  Once the placement has been agreed with all parties, and transport has been organised, a start date can be arranged.

Please look at our school website for more information, you can also call the school who will put you in touch with the Head Teacher.

Useful Resources

Below there are some more resources which may prove useful:

This link is aimed toward children, its written for them:

This page will help you find the service in your area:


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