Therapy Services
Individual and family
counselling -
Music and Art therapy
Team approach
Emphasis on finding child's
Our Therapy Suite offers individual and family counselling, parent training, parent and sibling support groups and, via
our Consultant Child Psychiatry support a full analysis and treatment regime can be formulated with CAMHS and
multi-agency support arrangements at all levels -
Tier 1 to Tier 4.
We regularly offer the following programmes:
• Individual and group music therapy
• Individual and group art therapy
• Behaviour management counselling
• Psychological and psychiatric assessments
• Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) evaluations
Where possible, our programmes are child and family-centred, designed to enhance the mental, emotional, and behavioural health of the immediate family.
Our philosophy is that this cannot be done in isolation: The young person will be seen both individually and as part of their familyand carer group.
An integral part of treatment is that we offer a team approach to the key relationships. This means close collaboration with parents, carers, siblings, teachers, medical doctors and all therapists that are involved with the young person.
Our treatment will stress helping each individual reach their full potential rather than finding a cure: Many of the children we treat have clinical presentations that are
quite different.
We emphasize finding potential rather than stressing differences.
"Talbot House provides a mentoring and personalised intervention programme for young people who have developed complex and high dependency needs."
"Applications for admission to Talbot House are normally made by the Named Officer of the Local Authority in whose area the young person lives."