Trustees and Governors at Talbot House

A note from our Chair of Trustees and Governors
Rev. Allison Harding
My name is Allison Harding and I am the Vicar at St Michael's and St Mary's in Newburn. I was happy to take over as Chair of Trustees and Governors, having been Vice Chair and then Interim Chair for some time. When I was asked to consider becoming a Trustee I already had a full work load so I had to consider it carefully, making sure I could give my full commitment.
Before I was a Vicar, I worked as a Homelessness Officer, Education Welfare Officer and Probation Officer. As a Probation Officer, I worked with young people and being part of Talbot House gives me a tangible way to make a real difference in our community. The children are the reason I am so invested in Talbot House Children's Charity, they are so honest, personable and courageous.
I hope my note may inspire some of you to ask yourself, how can I do more for the children within the Charity, please drop me a line, it would be lovely to chat about it, my email is,
Rev. Allison