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Mrs C Smiles
Head Teacher

A message from the Head Teacher at Talbot House School 

Our aim is to inspire young people to become resilient, motivated, and successful adults who are equipped to meet the challenges of today and the future. We do this by creating a positive, supportive, and stimulating environment that promotes their development, academically, spiritually and socially. We pride ourselves on ‘changing children’s lives’.


Talbot House Children's Charity is an organisation in a village called Walbottle on the outskirts of Newcastle upon Tyne. 

Talbot House school enrols pupils aged 5-18.  All pupils have an EHCP (Education, Health Care Plan). Talbot House is a non-maintained special school and charity for children with complex needs specialising in SEMH/ASD. However, many of our children have multiple complex needs such as ASD, ADHD, trauma and attachment alongside their primary need of SEMH/ASD, some with multi diagnosis. We pride ourselves on knowing and understanding our pupils by building good relationships with them from day one, along side their families.

We ensure that we do our best for every pupil by looking closely at the need of each pupil and ensuring they access the best curriculum for their need. Once a pupil is on roll, we will start preparing their support plan, and complete this by the end of their second week.  We will also base this on their EHCP and information gathered during enrolment. Pupils support plans are a working document which are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. The support plan is guided by information sharing through our daily briefings at the end of each day, this allows us to make appropriate changes and update strategies as required.  Pupils have the opportunity to work towards a variety of qualifications including GCSE’s, Entry Level 1, 2 & 3, Functional Skills Level 1, 2 & 3, AQA Unit Awards.

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Click on the image to see our school newsletter.

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